Wednesday, June 1, 2016

HUDUD di Malaysia

"By overemphasising laws, the ulama, who alone exercise authority over interpretation, enhance their own power. It is a power derived to a great extent from their role as the custodians of the whole tradition of Islamic law.

And, in applying the syariah to the contemporary situation, the ulama invariably adopt an unthinking, uncritical approach.

Consequently, the syariah in its entirety, and not just its Quranic root, is seen as divine and sacred.

Indeed, there are rules and regulations in the syariah, including some pertaining to the hudud, which are not consonance with either the letter or the spirit of the Quran.

For instance, the Quran does not prescribe any specific punishment for sukr (intoxication) but hudud laws do.

Similarly, the Quran does not lay out any punishment for apostasy, though it condemns it in the strongest terms. In hudud, it is punishable by death.

- Chandra Muzaffar
(read the full text here at Just My Thoughts

"KEADILAN adalah ASAS yang paling utama ditekankan oleh agama Islam apabila melaksanakan sesuatu perkara."

"Jika undang-undang PAS yang jelas mengandungi unsur-unsur ketidakadilan dikuatkuasakan dinegara ini, dan jika ia dikatakan itulah Hukum Hudud Islam maka umat Islam dan juga anggota masyarakat bukan Islam akan hilang kepercayaan Islam membawa keadilan untuk penganutnya. Ia juga memberi gambaran yang buruk terhadap agama yang suci ini dan menjejaskan imej orang-orang Islam di kalangan penganut agama-agama yang lain.
- Petikan sebahagian dari surat Perdana Menteri Malaysia kepada Menteri Besar Kelantan
(baca surat sepenuhnya di Just My Thoughts

read this too..

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No obligation for Islam’s followers to back hudud, law professor says - See more at:
No obligation for Islam’s followers to back hudud, law professor says - See more at:
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