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Usually those who do not have the integrity and hearts filled with bad intentions will be exposed to public sooner than later.. - Jebat Must Die
Usually those who do not have the integrity and hearts filled with bad intentions will be exposed to public sooner than later.. - Jebat Must Die
Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, yang memberi amaran kepada rakyat di negara ini, khususnya masyarakat Melayu, agar tidak terburu-buru memilih Anwar sebagai Perdana Menteri.
“orang lama” DAP itu turut mengesahkan bahawa DAP sebenarnya didominasi oleh kaum Cina yang ekstrim!
What kind of leader are you supporting? Someone who is not honourable enough to do the right thing and have an ounce of integrity and accountability to tell the truth?
SAYA pernah mengkritik Umno dalam tulisan saya sempena Perhimpunan Agung Umno yang lepas dan sebelum. Ketika itu saya tetamu parti tersebut di perhimpunan mereka. Orang Umno tidak menzahirkan kemarahan atas kritikan itu.Muktamar Pas baru sahaja berlalu. Kali ini saya ingin sedikit melontarkan persoalan untuk berkongsi dengan Pas. Maaf, bagi saya Pas merupakan parti politik yang agar sukar menerima teguran. Sekalipun tidak dinafikan ada juga pimpinan Pas yang bersikap terbuka.
Perasaan mereka, saya tidak tahu.
Between sips of bad coffee and soggy burrito in a place chock full of people, I observed the American berbagai bangsa tapi satu bahasa phenomenon in action. You see, Americans come in all colours and origins. My Santa Monica zipcode alone has over 120 ethnic/national groups. Malaysian diversity is nothing compared to these parts. But unlike confused Malaysia, these people proudly speak in one language -- English -- although less than a third of Americans have English-speaking ancestors.
"hey its interesting to see these people, irrespective of colour or creed, communicating clearly and confidently in one language, as one proud patriotic nationality, in one country" - hence, Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara.
- KijangMas
...di manakah INISIATIF Kerajaan UMNO/BN untuk meLAKSANAkan RUKUNEGARA ke-4 iaitu KeDAULATan Undang-Undang?
Nampaknya, sementara menunggu AKTA KeHARMONIan Nasional diLULUSkan, RAKYAT terpaksalah pakat-pakat ANGGUK aje terhadap segala macam perLANGGARan undang-undang...
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(Nampak lain macam jer airmuka Ah Jib Gor? bila nampak ada org cium keris ke?) |
Kadang-kadang kita meLIHAT keGALAKkan Kerajaan UMNO/BN di bawah DS Najib untuk meminda AKTA itu dan ini pasal ingin meNAMPAKkan diri mereka LIBERAL seakan-akan memperBODOHkan diri.. Kalau sebelum ini RAMAI di kalangan juak-juak dalam UMNO/BN berSORAK apabila AKTA Mesin CETAK, AKTA buang NEGERI/DAERAH dan ISA diMANSUHkan, hari ini jelas juak-juak UMNO/BN yang SAMA jugak terNGANGA apabila puak-puak DUNGU dalam PR meLAKUkan keSALAHan yang sebelum ini diHUKUM mengGUNAkan AKTA-AKTA tersebut.. Jadik, siapakah yang meNAMPAKkan diri mereka diperBODOHkan?
In the case of Teresa Kok, she earns up to RM18,000 a month and that excludes her housing allowances plus a driver. She is also entitled to an overseas holiday – and paid for by taxpayers!
The problem with these PR leaders is that they want everything. They claim they are not power crazy but at the same time wants to be MPs and ADUNs at the same time. They keep telling their blind and deaf supporters that there is nobody else cleverer than them.
They are God anointed and also they have a right to be leaders because they are the sons, daughters, wives and husbands of the Great Leaders. The Great Leaders are all appointed ones, not even elected.
For all the crap and bull shit dished out by Ambiga of free and transparent elections – she keeps a complete silence of the non-elected posts of Anwar as Ketua Umum, Lim Kit Siang as adviser and Nik Aziz as spiritual adviser. These PR honchos hold to their posts without shame.