Monday, December 19, 2011

PENDATANG - Hendak salahkan siapa kalau tidak diri sendiri?

Perenggan berikut dipetik dari artikel KEMPEN SSS, "Kantin Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan TIDAK HALAL?". Ianya menarik perhatian:-
Beliau (Naib Presiden Dong Zong En. Chou Chong Han) berkata, kantin sekolah rendah Cina perlu mengesuai (menyesuai) cara makan minum kelaziman murid-murid Cina di sekolah rendah Cina, kerana kebanyakan sekolah rendah Cina dipenuhi dengan anak-anak Cina, tidak boleh kerana segelitir (segelintir) murid bukan Cina mahu ubah budaya pemakanan dan minuman di kantin sekolah rendah Cina.

Jadi, Malaysia ini "dipenuhi" dengan anak-anak kaum mana? anak-anak cina ke?

Cuba gantikan "sekolah cina" itu  adalah negara kita "Malaysia" yang di"penuhi" oleh rakyat MALAYsia sepertimana keadaan sebenarnya di mana kaum Bumiputera merupakan kaum majoriti di sini. Kemudian cuba olah kenyataan Naib Presiden Dong Zong itu dalam konteks "MALAYsia". Maka bunyinya akan menjadi, "segenlintir orang bukan MALAYsia mahu ubah budaya MALAYsia" bukan?

Jadi, orang-orang cina ini tidak mahu "menyesuai"kan cara kelaziman, adat resam dan bahasa orang MALAYsia? Mahu tetap kekal sebagai orang cina walaupun berada di bumi MALAYSIA? Tidak malu untuk pelahap kepada mykad? begitu?

Begitulah tebalnya sikap RASIS orang cina Dong Zong di MALAYsia ini. Hendak salahkan siapa apabila orang-orang cina seperti ini dilabelkan sebagai "PENDATANG"? Hendak salahkan siapa kalau mereka-mereka ini tidak diakui sebagai rakyat MALAYsia walaupun pegang myKAD?

PENDATANG-PENDATANG inilah yang memporak-perandakan "nation building" MALAYsia ini kerana sifat cinanya yang begitu tebal hinggakan membelakangi Perkara 152 Perlembagaan negara ini sampai ada ADUN yang tidak boleh berbahasa kebangsaan pun!!

Lagi sekali dicatatkan dibawah ini, siapa orang MALAYsia itu:-
What then is the Malaysian race?
What language should a Malaysian speak?
What culture and mannerisms?
What shared values and philosophies?
What inner-consciousness?
What sense of shared identity?
What sense of shared destiny?

Fundamentally, a member of the Bangsa Malaysia should speak the national language of the Federation, Bahasa Malaysia, fluently and as a primary language; be fully versed with adat-adat and tatasusila orang Melayu and other Bumiputras of the Federation; demonstrates respect and deference to Islam as the official religion of the Federation and exhibit traits and mannerisms acceptable to the Malays and other Bumiputras. Non-Malay members of this Bangsa Malaysia may speak in their own dialects in private and may practise their own cultures and religions in the private confines of their community. Also, Budaya Malaysia is based on the budaya of the Malays and other Bumiputras of the Federation – in their various representations.
And the Education System is based on a single, unified Sekolah Kebangsaan system with Bahasa Malaysia as the primary language of instruction.
Later, upon satisfactory cohesion and amalgamation of the Malaysian populace into a truly united Bangsa Malaysia, then by law, ALL references to race and ethnicity in our daily activities should be forbidden.

Yang lebih dikesalkan lagi adalah apabila Perdana Menteri Malaysia sendiri, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak mengatakan bahawa kerajaan pimpinan beliau adalah sahabat sejati pendidikan sekolah cina (KLIK). Gelaran "BAPAK VERNAKULAR" bukan sahaja amat layak bagi beliau, malahan gelaran ini wajar dirasmikan dan diwartakan sekiranya DS Najib berterusan ingin menjadi juara pendidikan vernakular yang RASIS (seperti yang boleh diandaikan dari kenyataan Dong Zong di atas) lagi HARAM, yang terus melahirkan orang-orang berjiwa asing seperti orang-orang cina/india yang tidak mempunyai jati-diri MALAYsia.

Usahlah berterusan beretorik dengan "SATU BANGSA, SATU NEGARA, SATU BAHASA" apabila masih ada lagi orang-orang asing dibiarkan, malah digalakkan, untuk berkeliaran memijak bumi ini tetapi menyanjung langit, budaya, bahasa, adat resam negara asing.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gomen Tahi Kucing?



"Allow me a moment to produce my response"


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kalau benar kita ini rakyat MALAYsia ...

Buat yang LUPA atau SENGAJA mahu MELUPAKANnya.... Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung.. hanya orang yang TIDAK FAHAM BAHASA yang masih kurang budi bahasanya...

** Asalnya dipetik dari SINI

Monday, December 12, 2011

No Comment...

Daulat Tuanku ! Daulat Tuanku ! Daulat Tuanku !





Sunday, December 11, 2011

Do not learn English from Math & Science


On his birthday, a PunaiKianRuntuh Boss got a gift certificate from his PuakAjaranSongsang wife.
The certificate paid for a visit to a medicine man living on a nearby kuil <klik> who was rumoured to have a wonderful cure for erectile dysfunction** (which also means Punai or Parti Kian Runtuh**)
After being persuaded, he flew to the kuil, handed his ticket to the medicine man and wondered what he was in for.
The old man handed a potion to him, and with a grip on his shoulder, warned,
This is a powerful medicine. You take only a teaspoonful and then say '1-2-3.' "
When you do, you will become more manly than you have ever been in your life and you can perform as long as you want."
The man was encouraged. As he walked away and thinking of his own agenda after having "done with" his PuakAjaranSongsang wife, he turned and asked the old man,
"How do I stop the medicine from working?"
"Your partner must say '1-2-3-4,'" the old man responded, "but when she does, the medicine will not work again until the next full moon."
He was very eager to see if it worked so he went home, showered, shaved, took a spoonful of the medicine and then invited his wife to join him in the bedroom.
When she came in, he took off his clothes and said,
 Immediately, he was the manliest of men.

His wife was excited and began throwing off her serban clothes and then she asked,

"What was the 1-2-3 for?"

And that, boys and girls, is why we should never end our sentences with a preposition, because we could end up with a dangling participle. Learn your English from English lesson, not from PPSMI! <klik>

Saturday, December 10, 2011



Tingkat 4 and the forty thieves are now Tingkat 4 and the thirty thieves. Ten were laid off.

MAS and AirAsia are now AirAsia and Garu Daa..!!. AirAsia fired MAS <klik> and hired Garu Daa..!! because "no-frills <klik>" Garu Daa..!! was willing to work twice the hours at the same rate.

Hadi the Iron <klik> man now "air-pooling" with Superman the ultraman to save duel fuel costs.

Women marrying for love, and not money... FINALLY...!!!

Q: With the current market turmoil, what's the easiest way to make a small fortune?
A: Start off with a large one.

The credit crunch is getting bad isn't it? I mean, I let my brother borrow RM100 a couple of weeks back, it turns out I'm now the nation's third biggest lender.

Q: Why have Dubai real estate agents stopped looking out of the window in the morning?
A: Because otherwise they'd have nothing to do in the afternoon.

Q: What's the difference between an American and a Zimbabwean?
A: In a few weeks, nothing.

Dow Jones is re-branded as "Down Jones".

The previous one "Preview of NEM? <klik>"

This Year Bonus.. Tenaga Nasi Basi



Friday, December 9, 2011

Where is Ali ?

Once Lee Kim Sang (LKS) went to a school to interact with the children there.

After a brief talk he asked if anyone had any questions. One boy raised his hand.

LKS: "What's your name?"
LKS: "What are your questions"?
Ali : "I've 3 questions..."

  1. Were you involved in the 13th May tragedy?
  2. Why can't you be Malaysian instead of fighting to death to remain as chinese?
  3. Why does Kapla Singh & the Demo Aksi Party not support Najee against corruption?

LKS: "You are an intelligent student Ali."

Just then the recess bell rang.

LKS: "Oh students, we will continue after the recess is over".

After the recess...

LKS: "Ok children where were we? So, anybody wants to ask a question"?

Sam Veloo raises his hand.

LKS: "What's your name"?
Sam: "I'm Sam Veloo and I've 5 questions..."
  1. Were you involved in the 13th May tragedy?
  2. Why can't you be Malaysian instead of fighting to death to remain as chinese?
  3. Why does Kapla Singh & the Demo Aksi Party not support Najee against corruption?
  4. Why did the recess bell ring 20 mins before the time?
  5. WHERE IS ALI ???!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oghe Kelate Part 2

Petikan dari artikel sebelum ini, "Oghe Kelate":-
Kelantan memang terkenal dengan semangat kenegeriannya. Anak negeri Kelantan berketurunan Melayu ataupun Cina lazimnya tidak dikenali sebagai orang Melayu Kelantan ataupun orang Cina Kelantan. Mereka dikenali sebagai "oghe kelate", walaupun seorang bernama Jusoh dan seorang lagi bernama Soh Swee Leong.

Identiti "oghe kelate" ini dicapai apabila anak-anak negeri Kelantan bertutur dengan satu bahasa (loghat kelantan) dan bercampur-gaul erat sesama mereka. Jangan terperanjat sekiranya anda berjumpa dengan "Pok Soh" yang tidak ketara perbezaan penampilannya dengan orang-orang lain masyarakat setempat kerana bahasa yang dipertuturkan oleh "Pok Soh" dan pakaian yang dipakai oleh "Pok Soh". Sekiranya anda mengikuti "Pok Soh" sehingga ke dalam rumahnya maka anda akan dapati bahawa "Pok Soh" ini tidak juga kehilangan ciri-ciri ibundanya. "Pok Soh" ini adalah Soh Swee Leong yang tidak lagi dikenali sebagai "orang cina" kerana dirinya telah sebati dengan identiti "oghe kelate".

Dan ini pula adalah petikan ucapan YB Wee Choo Keong:-

Tuan Yang di-Pertua,

Izinkan saya memberi pengesahan di dalam Dewan yang mulia ini bahawa sebagai anak watan Kelantan yang menghayati adat dan budaya orang Melayu dan kebanyakan daripada rakan-rakan saya juga adalah orang Melayu, tidak kiralah sama ada mereka dari golongan assabiyah ataupun tidak, cara kehidupan dan budaya orang Melayu bukanlah asing bagi saya.

Dipersilakan membaca teks ucapan penuh YB Wee Choo Keong DI SINI.

So apa cerita dengan 1-MALAYSIA <klik>  DS Najib?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Raping MAS to death

The below 'snipet' is due to be published later in the afternoon for regular visitors at ...LISTED!!!. This piece below extracted from recent A VOICE's article, a must read for all Malaysians who are concerned with the "cannibalisation and plundering" of our national icon, MAS.

There are more shocking articles about this issue by JEBAT MUST DIE, BIG DOG and many others, especially by WEE CHOO KEONG who has been highlighting the MAS-AirAsia share "SUAP" since months back.

Do visit ...LISTED!!!, and click/search on "MAS" tag/label, to read the collection of articles (currently over 70 articles) by bloggers concerning this issue.


Tony to Azman, "Great job!"
  • ....the Wide Unbundling of Asset proposal (WAU) by Binafikir was never their's....... the WAU proposal was almost a carbon copy of a proposal given to the then Minister of Finance, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim sometimes in mid-90s  ....Unfortunately, Anwar Ibrahim was too dumb to understand the proposal....
  • The promise that the share swap between MAS and Air Asia could raise money for MAS was all bull and was to put wool on the eyes of the public.
  • This is the same mistake repeatedly made by Khazanah in their past turnaround plans of MAS. Profitable routes given away, cut capacity for potential business and growth, and now selling profitable asset.
  • if this is how the deal goes, public outcry will be loud. The public knows that MAS is being cannibalised by corrupted politicians and businessmen.
  • That is the reason behind the grand design to blame MAS losses of RM8 billion to Tajuddin Ramli. Someone else gets the blame, while Pak Lah, Khairy, Nor Yakcop, Tony F, Kalimullah and many others rape MAS to death.
  • Whoever the blame be made to, Najib must step in and stop listening to brother Nazir. Otherwise, BN could lose quite number of votes ...for sure.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Politician, who last time came from India...

Stuffed Indian Politician

A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal.

Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu...

 an UMNO's roti PAU :
$ 8.00
PKR's man, missing from the Punai's Pulai's congress :
$ 10.00
 Fried Ostad PAS sExplorer
$ 12.50
Grilled Perak's DAP assemblyman :
$ 100.00
Stuffed DAPig's Malaysian Indian Politician : $ 200.00

The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, 
"Why such a high price for the Indian politician?"

The cook replied,....
"have you ever tried to clean one? They're so......

..... it takes all morning"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Malaysia Boleh!!!

A question by an Indian mathematician.......


and responses by......

          a Chinese


a Japanese         




                an American



a British                


And finally the answer from......


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