Friday, January 14, 2011

Sharing - Of Policies & Procedures and Ritual

Policies and Procedures

In this experiment they put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.
Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable.
Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. 
Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.
One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious, but, undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder.
All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why. However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder.
A second original monkey is removed and replaced.
The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him.
This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he's not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it.
However, he has no idea why he's attacking the new monkey.
One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced, eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder.
All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why. AND THAT'S HOW VERY MANY COMPANY POLICIES & PROCEDURES GET ESTABLISHED.

The Long Kept Secret
Every time a new Pope is elected, there are many rituals to be followed, in accordance with tradition. But there's one ritual that very few people know about. 
Shortly after the new Pope is enthroned, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem seeks an audience with him. He is shown into the Pope's presence, whereupon he presents him with a silver tray bearing a velvet cushion. On top of the cushion is an ancient, shriveled parchment envelope.
The Pope symbolically stretches out his arm in a gesture of rejection.
The Chief Rabbi then retires, taking the envelope with him, and does not return until the next Pope is elected.
Pope Benedict was intrigued by this ritual, the origin of which was unknown to him. He instructed the best scholars of  the Vatican to research it, but they couldn't come up with anything. So when the time came and the Chief Rabbi was shown into his presence, he faithfully enacted the ritual rejection.
But then, as the Chief Rabbi turned to leave, he beckoned to him.
"My brother," he whispered, "I must confess that we Catholics are ignorant of the meaning of this ritual enacted for centuries between us and the Jewish people. I have to ask you, what is it all about?"
The Chief Rabbi scratched his head and replied, "Frankly, Your Holiness, I have no idea either. The origin of this ritual is lost to us, too."
The Pope thought for a bit and said, "My brother, let us retire to my chamber and enjoy a glass of wine together. Then, with your agreement, we shall open the envelope and discover, at last, the secret."
The Chief Rabbi agreed.
So, after a leisurely glass of wine, they reverently picked up the curling parchment envelope and opened it with fingers trembling with anticipation.
The Chief Rabbi reached inside, took out a sheet of ancient parchment, and carefully unfolded it. He looked at it, and then handed it to the Pope.
It was the bill for the Last Supper!
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