How can you as a sitting MP watch our Constitution being raped day in day out with regards to this matter?
Siapa dia yang "merogol day in day out" Perlembagaan Negara dalam perkara ini? Yang INI ke? dan yang INI?
Dalam hal ini Mahkamah telahpun membuat keputusan, menegakkan Perlembagaan Negara ini. Tetapi ianya terus menerus dicabuli juga oleh pencabul.
Kes 1
"To my mind, the protection only extends to language but not to medium of instruction in schools. In other words, no person shall be prohibited or prevented from teaching or learning Chinese or Tamil or, for that matter, any language which is not the national language in any school as a language subject, but such protection does not extend to the teaching or learning in a school where the teaching or learning is in any other language." (Justice Abdoolcader J in "Mark Koding Case)
Kes 2
"that MU if established would be a public authority within Article 160(2) of the Constitution and that accordingly teaching in Chinese there would be use of that language for an official purpose, which use may be prohibited under Article 152.
As there is no right to use the Chinese language for an official purpose, accordingly in our judgment it was not unconstitutional and unlawful of Government to reject the plaintiff’s petition to establish MU." (Merdeka University Case)
Tanya satD lagi:-
"YB Khairy, is it not the objective of the Government and the Members of the Parliament to ensure that all the provisions of our Constitution and the National Language Act is adhered to?"
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(Political Promises for Your Vote) |
Mereka-mereka yang duduk di Parlimen itu berbahas itu, berbahas ini, buat undang-undang itu, buat undang-undang ini, alih-alih depa ni juga dok MENCABUL? Bukan undang-undang kecik tu, PERLEMBAGAAN NEGARA sekaligus RUKUN NEGARA depa ni dok cabul! Apa kejadahnya ini?
Ye la.. kita pun faham, kanser memang sukar untuk disembuhkan. Tetapi kita berusaha sedaya upaya dengan harapan ianya akan sembuh. Kimo la, bomoh la, apa saja untuk cuba menyembuhkannya. Pemimpin dahulu pun berdepan dengan masalah ini, tetapi mereka berusaha dengan SEKOLAH WAWASAN sebagai contohnya. Bukan dengan makin membiakkan dan menyuburkan lagi penyakit kanser tu melalui pencabulan Akta Bahasa, Artikel 152 dan bersembur-sembur air liur mengangkat/mendokong sekolah vernakular haram ni!
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(Akibat Dasar Pelajaran Yang Tunggang Langgang?) |
Ingat pesanan satD:-
every single Ringgit Allocated to Vernacular Schools
which is clearly against the Constitution and the National Language Act
is A Ringgit Less
for Our National Schools.