Thursday, May 31, 2012

The True Target for REFORM

This ingrained alienisation -- borne of divergent social, educational and linguistic paradigms -- is the true target for reform, not the incoherent demands by Bersih.
take your time and read yet another brilliant piece by KijangMas of DEMI NEGARA
Robin Again ... BERSIH Filth, Demagogues and Such

Only in Najib's 1Malaysia
 Where else could a menoupausal meenachi from a tiny 7% minority cripple the capital of a World Top-20 trading nation with a demonstration over NOTHING spiced with riots and mayhem perpetrated by tens of thousands of clueless PAS and PKR Melayus -- the Malai Lembus -- whose very actions will only hasten the political erosion of their race in their own homeland.
The Lingering Curse on Malaysia  
As long as this raving megalomaniac remain in the political scene, 
Malaysia's social and political climate will continue to be
precariously volatile and combustible.

... and, as expected, the Botak turns up! 
 Haiyaaa .... so typical of these DAP Agent Provocateurs.
First they provoke the Malays, they cause trouble ....  
then when the Melayus react, they will cry racism in a
slick press conference ching chong, ching chong, ching chong-ing away in Communist China's national language geared for the subversive gallery and rollout the whole  
We-Are-The-Innocent-Defenseless-Victims charade for global consumption.

The reigning poster boy of the crybaby species minted
by the SJKC alien-producing factory.
Note the resemblance to the KFC crybaby. The Dong Zong Donkey Kong weirdos have been very effective in forging these lost alien look-alikes in our midst. Seriously people, are these lost souls our future Anak Bangsa Malaysia who will fight for our Tanah Tumpah Darah alongside the Melayus and other Bumiputras? Heck, can these self-alienising beings even communicate meaningfully with the majority in a common language?
So people, this is the gritty outcome of PM Najib's 1Malaysia appeasement policy where racial, cultural and linguistic distinctions among our citizens are inexplicably unearthed, revived, propagated and embellished. 

Sadly to say, more racist-tinged fracas will appear online as the Malaysian nation morphed from a relatively stable land based on a strong Malay historical, socio-cultural and linguistic essence into a sad, incoherent jumbled collection of angry kaums, bangsas and tribes bent on projecting exaggerated renditions of their ethno-cultural and linguistic specificities.
Robin Again ... BERSIH Filth, Demagogues and Such

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lebai-lebai DUNGU dan mantan MB yang GILA

Lebai-Lebai DUNGU PAS HINA YDP AGONG dan Sultan JOHOR kerana BIDA nombor PLET - Tokey 'AH BENG' BIDA tak kata apa pulak?


Lebai-Lebai DUNGU PAS berbuat BISING hanya kerana NOMBOR PLAT kereta itu diBIDA oleh SULTAN-SULTAN Melayu berAGAMA ISLAM seperti mereka.. Entah apa DENDAM Lebai-Lebai DUNGU PAS ini kepada para SULTAN, kita pun tak TAHU.. Walhal, SEJARAH para SULTAN di NEGARA ini jauh lebih LAMA daripada SEJARAH parti PAS itu sendiri! TIDAK MALU ke Lebai-Lebai DUNGU PAS mengHINA para SULTAN sedemikian RUPA sedangkan mereka sendiri terpaksa meMOHON perKENAN para SULTAN untuk menubuhkan sesebuah Kerajaan NEGERI?

Jika diTELITI senarai pemBIDA seperti berikut, kita DAPATi para SULTAN jugak memBIDA sama seperti ORANG lain? Malah, terDAPAT jugak NAMA-NAMA 'AH BENG' yang turut sama memBIDA? Kenapa pulak sumber KEWANGAN ini mereka ini TIDAK dipertikaikan dek Lebai-Lebai PAS sama seperti keDUNGUan mereka mempertikaikan sumber KEWANGAN para SULTAN?

Dia yang pernah berJAWATAN MB sepatutnya TAHU bahawa TUGAS memBANTU RAKYAT adalah terMASUK TUGAS seorang MB dan seluruh anggota Kerajaan NEGERI.. Mereka yang sebenarnya diLANTIK dan diPILIH oleh RAKYAT menerusi PILIHANRAYA bukannya SULTAN! Secara LOGIKnya, adakah itu keSALAHan DYMM Sultan Kelantan jika ada RAKYATnya tinggal dalam RUMAH macam kandang KAMBING sedangkan Pok Nik 'ALAIHISSALAM' MB Kelantan pulak dok SYOK sendiri MAKAN GAJI BUTA? Kalau SULTAN yang menJALANkan TUGAS menTADBIR sedemikian, mereka ini jugaklah yang akan MENUDUH para SULTAN KONONnya ingin berPOLITIK!

Lagi PELIK apabila Lebai-Lebai DUNGU PAS berDIAM diri apabila 'SETAN BESAR' ini mampu KELILING DUNIA tanpa diketahui sumber kEWANGANnya? Kenapa TIDAK diTANYA dari manakah 'FULUS' yang dia DAPAT? Agaknya ZIONIS mana TOLONG BAYARkan untuk dia mampu KELILING DUNIA? Tak nak TANYA ke?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Between Religious Law (of many religions) and Man-made Law (?)

Living together, having child outside of wed-lock, free sex, for example, seems to be "okay" in the USA, UK and many of the western countries (now also "creeping" into the eastern side). If we asked those Americans and Englishmen, majority of whom were Christians, whether Christian religion is okay with this or not, what do you think their answer would be? We should ask the followers of other religions too, including Islam, shouldn't we?

Or this has nothing to do with religions? any religion? 

..only something that has to do with the so-called "human rights", today, as per Seksualiti Merdeka's people?

The "Secret Weapon" case..... (unethical?)

Legally Right, Morally Wrong ?


It is not LEGAL(?)ly wrong to screw your best friend's wife? Ain't it, if she is a willing partner and both of you are consenting adults.

How would your best friend reacts when he found out,  you, of all people, a friend he trusted, screwed his wife?

If it is NOT LEGALLY wrong to screw, as long as it involves consenting adults, then why do we profess any (or most) religions at all if it is just MORALLY wrong? Is this what those Seksualiti Merdeka people are up to? Religiously wrong and Morally wrong, throw in as well Ethically wrong too,  can be Legally right? Is there any ground to this?


Monday, May 28, 2012

Teknologi canggih milik UMNO

Lim Guan Eng went "chong-ching-chong" when wanting to be "off the record". This the non-Malay PM material (according to Karpal Singh) who spoke in non-MALAYSIAN language, obviously did not want all Malaysians to instantly know what "chong-ching-chong" he was saying. (Bahasa Kebangsaan MALAYSIA is Bahasa Malaysia, also known as Bahasa Melayu, in case some of us, including gomen, still don't know it. It is in our Constitution and there is also the Official Language Act for it)


Teknologi canggih UMNO? Oh yes!! Kata PISAU:-
"...pihak Umno mempunyai teknologi canggih ciptaan Najib untuk mengawal torpedo para pemimpin pakatan agar mereka...."
Read more about this teknologi canggih from PISAU.... H E R E...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Are you HEADING to a WAR or to a VICTORY?"..

DS Najib seHARUSnya SEDAR dan meNILAI semula siapakah SEKUTU yang sesuai untuk berSAMA-SAMA UMNO/BN bagi berJUANG semasa PRU-13 nanti..

 Jika PRU-13 adalah satu pePERANGan (TIDAK mustahil akan jadi PERANG saudara macam di NEGARA-NEGARA ISLAM lain), ada BAIKnya DS Najib menyusun semula 'RANKING' para JENERALnya.. Carilah JENERAL yang benar-benar mengHAYATi perJUANGan UMNO/BN, meLUHURkan Perlembagaan NEGARA, menDAULATkan agama ISLAM, setia kepada para SULTAN dan BANGSAnya serta rela berKORBAN asalkan keSTABILan NEGARA ini dapat diperTAHANkan daripada 'Tangan-tangan GHAIB ZIONIS Neo-CON'.. Masih RAMAI lagi RAKYAT yang PATRIOTIK kepada NEGARAnya tanpa perlu MENAGIH 'FULUS' ZIONIS Neo-CON seperti para PEMIMPIN PKR dan DAP La'anatullah!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Success" and "Failure"... AS communicated......

Unfortunately PR’s debt reduction success compared to BN’s debt piling failure has not been communicated to the public as a result of BN’s successful campaign of deceit. Neither has the fact that BN has to borrow to give people money unlike PR can afford to do so from budget surpluses sunk into people’s hearts and minds.

Find out more from PURE SHIITE:

Between Zambry and Guan Beng which one was more truthful about State "Debt Reduction"?

Friday, May 25, 2012


Saya tolong hebahkan saja...kesian pada adik Iskandar ni.... 


Rahsia hasrat DAP selama ini

"Selagi saya hidup, saya akan berjuang untuk melihat seorang bukan Melayu menjadi Perdana Menteri,''



PAS dah respon? - DIN TURTLE

Siapa Melayu Idaman Kit Siang..?
Melayu yang Kit Siang maksudkan itu berlambak dan banyak didalam puak pakatan haram. Pastinya Melayu berdarah Kitol dan Mandaliar ini akan mencium tangan Kit Siang sebagai respond dari apa yang Kit Siang katakan itu. Tentu PAS boleh mengeluarkan fatwa mencium tangan Kit Siang atas kenyataan 'berani', 'jujur' dan 'ikhlas' Kit Siang itu..!
Bos Kit Siang pasti tersenyum senang..Kit Siang pasti ketawa girang! Karpal berjaya membuka ruang! Pengikut DAPig boleh terus mabuk sampai terlentang! Kerana apa? kerana adanya Melayu Idaman! kerana ramainya Melayu pondan! kerana melatanya Melayu yang tidak lagi beriman! kerana wujudnya Melayu yang berebut untung secupak tapi rugi dan hilang segantang!

Kenyang perut, suka hati..

"I have strong opinions about how the NEP has been bastardised over the years" - Nazir Razak

But here are just some of the list of projects that have been bastardised by Nazir Razak and his partners in crime in Khazanah Nasional and Air Asia..... ( read JEBAT MUST DIE....  h e r e ....)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Everything is so amazing, give it a second!

like how quickly the world owes him something .... he knew or existed only 10 seconds ago.. (2:22)


the gomen has started to wake up and becoming government again... at least seeking a declaration, some RM100k damage suit, etc is a start for the people to rely and believe on "kerajaan yang tegas dan adil", not otherwise.. This is a positive thing to note..

Those people who went to street's riot, "wanting the nation's blood" should be able to repay by "equal blood".. Some should be stripped off from citizenship...

Kerajaan SAMAN Ambiga ! YES !!


(Poster dari laman GERAKAN ANTI PKR)

and an interesting read from Gopal Raj Kumar:-


A source from the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra Australia, where many supporters of Bersih include faculty, has revealed the existence of a team of researchers lawyers, public relations and media workers from amongst Malaysians and Australians at the ANU, working on anti (Malaysian) government campaign in the event of such an eventuality arising.

Meet the "Secret weapon" and the "Closet fan"

Only people like Commander Thaya and Malaysiakini and their political masters want us to believe that that is the case, because it would be to their advantage if people are gullible enough to believe so.
Find out more from ROCKY'S BRU, click HERE...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Want to have a look at "energy" instead of tak habis-habis politiking?

'Lynas' thorium can generate RM4 trillion in energy


And a commentator provided this link:-

Thorium Molten Salt Reactor covered in Wall Street Journal

One of the main inventors of the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, Alvin Weinberg, knew that they were superior to the solid fueled reactors and pushed for their acceptance. He eventually lost his job for making too much noise about it when the politics of the time were more about arms than climate change. Weinberg was ahead of his time. He also designed the Light Water Reactor, currently the most popular reactors, which he himself turned against.
Now considered a fourth generation technology the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor shows the most promise as a nuclear energy design precisely because they solve the problems that made the older nuclear power plant designs unpopular.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Apa erti semuanya ini?

Lebih 18,000 orang Melayu Pulau Pinang terpaksa berhijrah ke negeri lain di antara 2009 hingga 2010 kerana tidak mampu menampung kos sara hidup yang terlalu tinggi di negeri kelahiran mereka.

Mengikut satu kajian dikeluarkan Oktober tahun lalu, jumlah penduduk Melayu berkurangan daripada 654,300 orang pada 2009, kepada 636,146 orang pada 2010, iaitu penyusutan 18,154 orang dalam tempoh setahun.

Tidak ada satu pun projek perumahan untuk bela nasib rakyat miskin. Malah, di Balik Pulau (kawasan majoriti Melayu) dibangunkan projek mewah yang harga rumahnya bermula RM500,000 ke atas. Apa erti semua ini?

Bukankah ini agenda tersusun, terancang dan halus untuk meminggirkan serta mengusir Melayu dari negeri strategik seperti Pulau Pinang"
, bekas Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang, Dr Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin.

Read the full article at THE UNSPINNERS, source - SG Rapat online

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Things in Slow Motion

Sound track : Delerium - Silence

Safety Tip - How to adjust your mirrors

For car drivers out there... take a moment to adjust the mirrors, before you start driving...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hero-hero negara ini

Kita sebagai rakyat yang cintakan keamanan dan kesejahteraan negara Malaysia ini berharap akan parti tunjang politik negara tidaklah terus melepaskan tangan kepada individu-individu yang layak digelarkan sebagai hero-hero tanahair ini dalam soal memelihara martabat dan maruah bumi ini.

Saat kritikal untuk memobilisasikan lebih 3 juta ahli UMNO telah tiba kerana UMNO telah mengambil masa yang terlalu lama 'berdiam diri' dengan secara tidak wajar, membiarkan negara ini diporak-perandakan oleh petualang-petualang, demi politik. Sebelah pihak semakin merosakkan negara kerana untuk merampas kuasa politik, dan yang satu lagi menjadi 'penikus' walaupun kuasa ada ditangan. Dek kerana terlalu menjaga imej, perkara-perkara asas negara semakin dibiarkan terhakis oleh salakan-salakan petualang.

Diharap perhimpunan UMNO semalam tidaklah hanya gah di stadium sahaja. Buktikanlah ke"hero"an kepada seluruh negara, bukannya hanya di stadium kerana hero-hero rakyat telah lama menunggu keberanian dan ketegasan yang selama ini nampaknya semakin pudar.

Mari kita tonton video-video hero kita, yang kita harap dapat dicontohi oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang diberikan kuasa dalam soal memelihara kesejahteraan negara ini.

PenJUAL BURGER itu BERANI menunjukkan kepada UMUM keZALIMan PEGUAM BETINA India itu dan para peRUSUHnya yang menZALIMinya.. Dia mengalami keRUGIan untuk meneruskan keHIDUPannya sebagai penJUAL BURGER sebagai punca REZEKInya sedangkan apakah pulak keRUGIan atau keSEMPITan HIDUP yang diALAMi oleh PEMIMPIN BETINA India itu di NEGARA ini hingga ingin mengANJURkan RUSUHAN BERSIH 3.0?

- Apakah PEMIMPIN BETINA India itu TIDAK cukup MAKAN?

- Apakah PEMIMPIN BETINA India itu terANCAM keSELAMATannya?

- Apakah PEMIMPIN BETINA India itu HIDUP dalam keadaan DHAIF?

Jika SEMUAnya bukan, kenapakah PEGUAM BETINA India itu mengANJURkan RUSUHAN BERSIH 3.0 kalau bukan kerana ingin mengHANCURkan NEGARA ini?

Hero yang menampar bebudak drop keldai tunggangan politik yang menjadi semakin kurang ajar kerana mereka dibiarkan bersikap semakin biadap.

Kalau SENTIMEN yang kita sebut dalam KES ketua beBUDAK 'DROP' IPT itu dan KES PEGUAM BETINA India yang mengetuai RUSUHAN BERSIH 3.0 itu GAGAL diFAHAMi, sampai bila-bila pun UMNO akan GAGAL menjadi HERO atau JUARA RAKYAT! Sebab itulah jugak UMNO GAGAL meMOBILISASIkan keANGGOTAannya seRAMAI 3.3 JUTA orang itu untuk mengHADAPi pengHINAan oleh para peRUSUH BERSIH 3.0 dan beBUDAK 'DROP' IPT yang OTAKnya baik sedikit daripada BEROK yang diLATIH untuk panjat pokok KELAPA!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Undilah I....


Yang lebih menJIJIKkan tuh pulak Lebai-Lebai PAS tersebut main ambil aje tanpa meNILAI bahawa itu sebenarnya pengHINAan DAP La'anatullah terhadap mereka.. MAKSUD terSIRAT DAP La'anatullah di sebalik pemBERIan itu sebenarnya ialah:

1) MemBERIkan GAMBARan bahawa Lebai-Lebai PAS ini begitu JAHIL dalam agama ISLAM hinggakan KITAB SUCI agama mereka pun kena diBERIkan oleh DAP La'anatullah..

2) Kenapa hanya 4 NASKHAH aje KITAB AL QURAN yang diBERIkan? Tahu ke Lebai-Lebai PAS MAKSUD nombor 4 dalam kePERCAYAan puak-puak peMAKAN BABI dalam DAP La'anatullah? ~ KAH!KAH!KAH!

3) Ada jugak Lebai-Lebai PAS begitu BENGONG mengatakan KITAB Al-QURAN itu adalah KITAB TAFSIR bukan MUSHAF.. Lagilah mengHINA pasal DAP La'anatullah mengejek Lebai-Lebai PAS nak baca Al-QURAN kena pakai KITAB yang ada TAFSIRan yang sepatutnya diBERIkan oleh MUSLIM kepada KAFIR!

Jadik jelaslah di sini bahawa agama ISLAM itu akan diHINA seHINA-HINAnya oleh PR jika mereka diBERikan KUASA pada PRU-13 nanti.. Hanya BAHLOL macam Lebai-Lebai PAS aje yang tak NAMPAK! Itulah.. ULAMA 'SERIGALA' peMAKAN GAJI BUTA tuh dah 'EXPIRED' dah.. ILMU dah makan DIRI, tak BERKAT dah pasal diGUNAkan untuk meMUSUHi sesama umat ISLAM..

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yang TER "Ngok" dan tak PASs..


Ambiga berjaya ke Masjib Nabawi dengan sokongan MB Kelantan !!!... 2 pelancaran BERSIH 3.0 yang diadakan di Mekah dan Madinah disempurnakan oleh Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi, Ketua Pemuda PAS Malaysia dan Timbalannya Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Aziz telah memberi kesan negatif kepada Malaysia oleh kerana itu Kerajaan Arab Saudi akan pertimbangkan menangguh pengeluaran visa untuk rakyat Malaysia atau mungkin akan mengurangkan kuota utk jemaah Umrah dan menunaikan Fardhu Haji..

semuanya bermula daripada tindakan bodoh kepala otak half past six para serbanista mereng di Makkah dan Madinah menyebarkan ajaran sami Ambiga IFC di sana. Gara-gara bahlol semua habis jemaah lain semua affected!.

Ayam : Tau takpa!

BEROK: Itu la pasal.. Nanti PRU-13 nanti tak tau dah nak UNDI sapa.. Undi yang nih, RAMAI sangat pesen PERANGAI tak rupa MANUSIA! UNDI yang ni pulak bagi KUASA jadik PENAKUT.. Lepas tu nak naik PANGKAT dalam PARTI main TABUR DUIT aje..


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Anwar, Ambiga, KDN and Executive Chief of the nation

Rumah sudah semakin runtuh, pahat pun berbunyi.. kemana pergi dan hilangnya si TUKUL?

Wrong Timing, Too Late (only after event) , perhaps more a like of Lip Service. Rightly so! Seriously, do you think they will abide by the Fatwa Kebangsaan? (stop and ponder a while on Bahasa Kebangsaan)

These kind of monkey business running down a nation should have been dealt with ISA long-long time ago! But looks like votes are much more important than internal security and the well being of the nation. Many are still asking, do KDN really exist in this respect?

But at least, one can say, Majlis Fatwa have more balls in this case... perhaps...

(FADING BLUE IN "TUNGGING" POSITION - Reaching for "food"?)

Monday, May 7, 2012


Why, or what caused ,or even perhaps who made, NST apologized?

NST apologised to Xenophone, Xenophone who? 


Should Xylophone be allowed to walk?


And who happened to invite this Australian lawmaker to Malaysia during the Bersih 3 riots? Correct anwswer, Anwar Ibrahim.
We also now know that this close pal of our Opposition leader is a great anti-oil palm campaigner (go to this article from Oil Palm Truth Foundation, thanks to some serious research work by Pasquale in Nicholas Xenophony of Australia campaigns to label Malaysian palm oil as unsafe ... and he is a good friend of Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim?!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

If Airlines Were Based on Operating Systems

UNIX Airways

Everyone brings one piece of the plane along when they come to the airport.

They all go out on the runway and put the plane together piece by piece,

Arguing nonstop about what kind of plane they are supposed to be building.


Everybody pushes the airplane until it glides, then they jump on and let the plane coast until it hits the ground again. Then they push again, jump on again, and so on.

Mac Airlines

All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same.

Every time you ask questions about details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up.

Windows Air

The terminal is pretty and colorful, with friendly stewards, easy baggage check and boarding, and a smooth takeoff. After about 10 minutes in the air, the plane explodes with no warning whatsoever.

Windows NT Air

Just like Windows Air, but costs more, uses much bigger planes, and takes out all the other aircraft within a 40-mile radius when it explodes.

Linux Air

Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to start their own airline.

They build the planes and ticket counters, and pave the runways themselves.

They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the ticket, but you can also download and print the ticket yourself. When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench, and a copy of the seat-HOWTO.HTML.

Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very comfortable, the plane leaves and arrives on time without a single problem, the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell customers of the other airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, "You had to do what with the seat?"


So "CHEAP" that passengers lose their money due to frequent flight postponements and delays, stranded with no refund, strict charge for "excess" baggage, SPOILED fee, hide-and-seek costs, etc. Now, everyone can get screwed.


Everybody including themselves are being screwed up left-right-center

We must play politics, instead of being honest?

Here is Dr Wan Azizah's statement, sourced from MPP Online, HERE.
Kalau nak bandingkan (isu) Presiden MCA (Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek) pun ada juga, tapi dia (Soi Lek) mengaku, politik tidak sepatutnya begini," kata beliau lagi.

What did she really mean? Let us put it this way:-
Kalau nak bandingkan (isu) Penasihat PKR (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) pun ada juga, tapi dia (Anwar) TIDAK mengaku, politik tidak sepatutnya begini," kata beliau lagi.

which means Soi Lek was being honest and did not "play politics" while Anwar has been dishonest all these whiles and keeps on "playing politics"? 

Have we all forgotten Saiful's case? Was Wan Azizah hinting or rather admitting that Anwar did sodomise Saiful but Anwar must play politic instead of being honest, therefore struggles to deny the allegation? 

And that was not the only case. Maybe the China doll case is more appropriate in this respect. Let's just leave all other cases of Anwar's that had also been mentioned many times in the news everywhere.

We leave it all to you to ponder...

Di sana dibenci, di sini diboikot..

Sokongan tapi ditakdirkan tewas juga adalah adat perjuangan.. tiadalah terlalu rasa pedih walaupun tewas akhirnya..

Tetapi "sokongan yang membawa rebah" terasa lain macam pedihnya.. umpama pedih tikaman dari belakang.. cubalah tanya kepada penyokong-penyokong ISA ataupun Kempen SSS sebagai contohnya..

Apa-apapun, asas negara ini adalah Rukun Negara dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.. kerana undi, the very basic of nationhood pun boleh tergadai.. fikir-fikirkanlah... Walaupun Rukun Negara dan Perlembagaan Persukutuan bukan "kalam Tuhan" yang boleh dianggap kekal selama-lamanya tetapi bukan caranya dengan berguling dijalanraya ataupun meloncat-loncat atas kereta polis untuk membuat pembaharuan.. bukan juga caranya dengan meletakkan undang-undang tertinggi negara ini dibelakang punggung demi mengejar undi...

Nampaknya BLOG ini seakan telah diPUTUSkan hubungan dengan beberapa BLOG utama lain kerana sebelum ini LANTANG mengKRITIK Kerajaan UMNO/BN yang terlalu 'SLOW' berTINDAK terhadap peRUSUH BERSIH 3.0.. Malah, BLOG ini jugak banyak kali MENEMPELAK beberapa PEMIMPIN UMNO/BN yang terlalu memBERI MUKA kepada perTUBUHan HARAM tersebut.. Apa pun, terPULANGlah kepada BLOG-BLOG lain untuk memutuskan HUBUNGan.. Apa yang PENTING, keWUJUDan BLOG ini bukan untuk mengAMPU tak kena TEMPAT walaupun HAKIKATnya yang menjadi MANGSA adalah RAKYAT MARHAEN macam kita!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why confused ?

Q: Why are Egyptian's Children always confused?

A: Because after death, their daddy becomes the mummy.

Meanwhile in Malaysia.....
Q: Why are the children always confused nowadays?
A: Because after seksualiti merdeka, they cannot tell whether their daddy has become their mummy or their mummy has become their daddy or whether both have any clear gender at all.

Lawyer: "What is your relationship with the plaintiff?"

Witness: "He is my son."

Lawyer: "Was he your son on February 13, 1990?"

Meanwhile in Malaysia....

Lawyer: "What is your relationship with the plaintiff?"

Witness: "He is my son."

Lawyer: "Was he your son after the sexuality merdeka parade?"

Witness: "Errrr..... my daughter..??"

One more pic, specially for Malaysia's seksualiti merdeka supporters ....

monkeys and chikens will bring down this country

UPDATE 05/05/2012

Where were the batons during Bersih 3? 


Someone pointed out that our cops did not have their batons. The IGP had instructed batons to be taken away form every policeman covering Bersih 3, it seems. Betul ke? No can do, IGP. Next time you want to send in your boys to meet a mob, equip them with the basics at least.
No wonder the cops used their legs and fists, just like the Bersih thugs.

Why there was Bersih 3.0? Because in Bersih 1.0, 2.0 whatever, the monkeys can go on merrily jumping up and down, never mind public safety and properties, and chicken-shit still chickening-shit! There you are! Bersih 3.0 and a member of PDRM almost end up being "MURDERED" by the monkeys. So where were the chickens? Keep on running and shitting until the whole nation is brought down by the monkeys?

Let's see, if the chickens are chikening-shit again and again, bet there will be Bersih 4.0 (suwe! suwe!), 5.0, 6.0..... the whole nation will continue to suffer...
Prime Minister Najib has gone soft, he lost his balls, worrying too much about public opinion, which, anyway, are mostly opposition's opinion.

There is sufficient evidence to charge Anwar and Amiga for inciting civil unrest. Do it before they can do more harm and bring anarchy to this country and a repeat of the dreaded May 13.

Apa yang rakyat hendak pembelaan Tuan terhadap orang-orang tuan dan wartawan yang bergelinangan darah di pukul oleh perusuh-perusuh BERSIHT! Yang itu keutamaan rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan. Sepatutnya hari ini PARA PEMIMPIN BERSIHT ADALAH ORANG PERTAMA DITAHAN DAHULU. senaraikan Nama-nama yang memukul anggota Tuan itu dan panggil Media hebahkan serta ambil tindakkan terhadap mereka. Rakyat dalam keadaan marah dengan pengganas-pengganas BERSIHT. Janganlah tuan pun ikut lenggok Politik. Tugas tuan menjaga kedaulatan undang-undang dengan tegas dan rakyat nak tengok pengadilan. Gambar yang tuan tunjuk itu rakyat Malaysia dah tahu, yang rakyat Malaysia nak tengok muka-muka samseng yang memukul dan ganas itu serta Pemimpin mereka ditahan dahulu. Fikirlah sampai dah BERSIH 3.0 Pemimpinya masih bebas!!!!!!!! Dah sampai tahap keganasan pun sampai kini masih BEBAS!!!!!! Apa ini semua?

MELAKA terus maju! No BER-SHIT

UPDATE 05/05/2012

Kita tunggu dan lihat, kepada siapa muka akan diberi oleh Pengerusi BN Nasional. Adakah kepada Pengerusi BN Negeri? MCA atau UMNO? DS Ali Rustam atau Datuk Kian Sit Har? Pengundi yang selama ini menyokong atau yang selama ini menentang? Yang duduk atas pagar.. ke mana lompatnya? Klik di SINI dan di SINI.


Previous posts concerning Melaka:-
To me, Melaka already way-off ahead, leaving Selangor behind.

Talking about "Sampah", we did not have any issue regarding garbage collection, be it household rubbish or garden waste (We lived in PJ). Those were the days. That time Selangor was under BN. Our household rubbish and garden waste collections were as per given schedule. No complaint then.

Then PAKATAN(?) PKR(?) took over Selangor. Well, we did not have any issue with household rubbish collection. But we remember one day we had to call Alam Flora to collect our garden waste since the waste was lying for quite some time infront of our house. We called Alam Flora's number, was attended promptly and courteously. We gave our address for them to come and collect the garden waste. We did not see the waste lying there anylonger the next day. Well.. good! Not really an issue to us.

But not too long ago, the same thing happened. Recalling our nice experience with Alam Flora, we called the same number. To our surprise, the guy who answered the phone informed us that the number was not Alam Flora's number. The guy was nice. He explained that it was no longer Alam Flora's number. He took our number and promised to have Alam Flora to call us.

True enough! A lady from Alam Flora explained that Alam Flora services had already being terminated by the Selangor government. She asked us to call up MBPJ (Majlis Bandaran PJ) on the garden waste collection.

Yep! We looked up the appropriate MBPJ's department/section from the official website and called up the number. We were told to call another number who, should be in charged of garbage collection. And then we were told that we should call another number which upon calling, again we were told that we should call the 'supervisor' of our area, where a mobile phone number was given.

We called the mobile. No answer. Called again. The same thing. Then we text the number. Couple hours later we got the text reply asking for our address. Only a few days later that our garden waste was collected.

When we told our neighbour our experience above, do you know what our neighbour told us?
"I just throw my garden waste (in garbage bag) out of the backyard. That way, they come and collect it faster since the main road is right outside."
Hmmm... so much for BERSIH.... BER-SHIT?

Anyway, back to Melaka.....

We think (the results are already showing!), Melaka will maju and terus maju because Melaka is very fortunate to have an outstanding leader, TEGAS dan BERANI! Firm and no fooling around, no lembik-lembik, no melutut minta maap punya!

Read myMETRO, ... HERE ..


Read this phrase before?
"The whole ground can be against me, but if I know it is right, I'll do it. That's the business of a leader"
Nope? Read it HERE.

Read what TUKANG DOK PEGHATI has to say HERE (Bravo DS Ali Rustam!!), HERE and HERE. A leader will be bold, firm and decisive to clear out the BARUAs.

Janganlah pula BIG BOSS minta DS Ali Rustam sarung balik TAMING SARI dan simpan dalam almari, pi mintak maap berkali-kali (kerana takut undi? sekalipun musuh/barua bebas menggodek dalam selimut? Mana tak lingkup! Jahanam negara kita nanti!)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Manual skill vs. IT skill


A jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Some Company.

The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.
"You are employed."

He said:-
"Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start."

The man replied:-
"But I don't have a computer, neither an email."

"I'm sorry", said the HR manager, "If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job."

The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10kg tomato crate.

He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60.

The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late, thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.

5 years later , the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US.

He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.

He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied, 
"I don't have an email".

The broker answered curiously,
"You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email?!!"

The man thought for a while and replied,
 "Yes, I'd be an office boy at Some Company!"

- source unknown
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